General Illness Policies
Our Illness Policies follow Department of Health regulations and standards. They are meant to decrease the spread of infectious diseases, ensuring a safe and productive learning environment for children. If your child has a contagious disease (for example: strep throat, chicken pox, pink eye, Fifth Disease, or Covid-19), please let your teacher and the Education Director know. If your child is ill and will not be attending school, please alert your teacher by message through the Famly app or by email.
If your child becomes ill at school, we will notify you and ask you to pick him/her up as soon as possible. An ill child will be isolated from classmates and be made as comfortable as possible. Here are the symptoms that will prompt us to reach out to you:
- Fever of 100 degrees or more
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Persistent cough
- Unexplained rash or blistering
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Head lice
- Symptoms consistent with Covid-19, chicken pox, impetigo, strep throat, or any other contagious disease
Before returning to school, your child must be free of symptoms, including fever of 100 degrees or more without fever reducing medication, for 24 hours. In some cases, we may require that you bring us a doctor’s note.
Allergies / Nut Free Environment
Please alert us to your child’s allergies. Open House is a nut-free environment. Please do not bring anything containing peanuts or tree nuts (cashews, almonds, etc.) to school.
Head Lice
If your child is found to have head lice, they must be treated either by you or a professional before returning to school. On their first days back, they might be examined by the school staff to make sure no lice are present. To prevent reinfestation, washing all bedding in hot water is recommended. See this link for more information. If we find a live louse on your child at school, you will be contacted immediately to take them home.
Accidents and Medical Emergencies
If your child sustains a minor injury at school, an Incident Report will be completed and we will reach out to you that day.
If your child has a medical emergency we will contact you immediately. If you can’t be reached, we will proceed as instructed on your child’s emergency medical release form. If necessary, we will contact your child’s physician and/or call an ambulance to take your child to the nearest emergency room. Until you arrive, a Director will take responsibility for your child’s well being. All Directors and many staff members are trained in CPR and First Aid.
Keep us completely up to date with current work, home, and emergency contact phone numbers. If you know you will be out of town, please inform your classroom teacher or the Education Director. Please be sure we have contact numbers for all caregivers who are listed as emergency contacts or are approved to pick up your child.
Vaccinations and Medical Records
The DOH requires that children who attend school must have a current DOH medical form on file at Open House. The form documents all vaccinations and must be signed by a medical provider. The DOH is not currently allowing non-medical vaccination exemptions. In addition, each fall, the Department of Health requires all children attending school to have a flu shot and submit proof of vaccination by the end of the calendar year. Please contact your child’s pediatrician to schedule your child’s flu shot.