This December fork + pencil and Open House will be collaborating to bring you high quality books and gifts for this Holiday season. A big selection of classics and Caldecott Award winners will be available along with new favorites. There is so much media and “junk” vying for your child’s attention. Do not miss this opportunity to bring home books that will interest your child and you will enjoy reading to them.
As you read to your child release your inner thespian. Create unique voices for all the characters. Talk about the character’s “motivation.” Share values by letting your child know what you might do in the character’s circumstance. Help your child notice that even when characters are faced with “troubles” problems can be solved. Most importantly cuddling together with a book lets your child know how much you love reading and spending time together.
fork + pencil is more than just a neighborhood store. They are committed to improving education and educational funding. Through our fork + pencil book fair Open House will earn 40% of the sales. WOW! Funds raised from the Book Fair will benefit all the children of Open House.