Our Approach

At Open House, we believe in the central importance of a child’s social/emotional growth. The planning for our classrooms always reflects this priority.  Children are encouraged to learn to identify and express emotions.  When helping children with conflict resolution, teachers model a non-judgmental, problem solving approach.  Through play, discovery, and many rich experiences in art, music, math, natural science, and literature children learn to understand themselves and to communicate effectively with others.

Our curriculum is well-planned, but allows lots of room for growth and freedom to explore.  A child’s day includes a comfortable balance of indoor and outdoor, structured and freeplay activities.

We encourage children to share their experiences, and we take great care that each voice is listened to and respected. We believe respecting individual differences is the way to create community.  Through their Open House school experiences, young children learn that all people are valued and that all people can work together to make a better world.